A rather dull worKLOG. This is just a scratchpad for solutions to IT problems that might be useful to someone else. Expect no opinions, no brilliant insights and definitely no pictures of pets or children. Expect stack traces, code snippets and other hints for the Google Indexer.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Weekly Summary 1/11/06

  • Debate about coverage in registry and possible solutions
  • Visit to Cambridge to cover Taverna
    • Link to Guy's summary
    • Side debate on merits of SourceForge over managing our own code
  • Discovered that with the exception of 2MASS, our cone searches aren't showing in AstroScope - should do soon following redeploy
  • Discovered many missing services from AstroGrid's registry...Kevin fixing....
  • Swotting up on Data Mining
  • Downloaded VOTechBroker
  • Following up ADASS